How can I contribute?

Contributions to Elixirland are more than welcome! Here are some ways you can contribute to the project.

  1. Submit a project

    Do you have an idea for an Elixirland project? Great! We can use your help. A GitHub repository will be set up for your project that automatically syncs with the Elixirland website whenever you push changes to it.

    If you are a core member or maintainer of a project within the Elixir ecosystem, consider submitting a project. Having a project on Elixirland might be a good way to introduce new users to your project and complement the official documentation.

    To submit a project, please follow the instructions in the Submission Guidelines.

  2. Review code

    It's important that the example implementations provided along with the projects adhere to idiomatic Elixir. Therefore, reviewing their code is a great way of contributing to Elixirland. Although full code reviews are preferred, pointing out isolated idiomatic issues is also very helpful.

    The code of the example implementations can be found in the GitHub repositories of their respective projects. One good method of providing feedback is by creating a pull request with your suggestions.

    Also consider joining the discussions about the Elixirland project implementations on ElixirForum. This can be a great way to learn from others and share your knowledge.

  3. Review website content

    In addition to reviewing the code of the example implementations, you can also help by reviewing other areas of Elixirland's content. For instance, you can review the project text to check for typos, grammatical errors, and other issues that could impact the quality of the projects.

    Another example is the ecosystem page, which contains descriptions of popular Elixir projects. If you have experience with any of these projects, consider reviewing the descriptions to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.

    All content* is stored in the Elixirland repositories on GitHub, where you can submit your feedback. If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to create a pull request.

  4. Report an issue

    If you find a bug or have a suggestion for how to improve Elixirland, you can report an issue on GitHub. It's greatly appreciated!

    All the content* you see on the website is also contained in one of the many Elixirland repositories, since all content is pushed from GitHub to the website. Leave your feedback there so we can find it easily.

* Currently, Elixirland is still in the process of migrating all its text content to GitHub. Want to give feedback on content that is not on GitHub yet? In that case you can best open a new issue in the xl-website repository and submit your feedback there.